Following the invalidation of the Privacy Shield in Schrems II, companies are struggling with preparing Transfer Impact Assessments to support transfers of personal data from Europe to the U.S. From conflicting guidance by European institutions to the TIA’s perceived predisposition to find transfers of data to the U.S. to be high risk, to lack of tools to quantify risk of clandestine access to personal data by the U.S. government, the task of completing a TIA can be daunting.
In this webinar, we unpack these challenges and suggest a pragmatic approach that may help companies to successfully complete the TIA process in order to greenlight data transfers to the U.S.
Some of the topics we address are:
- TIA strategy: understanding and leveraging the unique needs of the TIA process stakeholders — clients, affiliates and regulators
- Establishing and articulating equivalency between U.S. and European privacy concepts
- Quantifying both risk and effects of U.S. government access to data
- Understanding compensating controls choices
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Boris Segalis
Gretchen Scott
James Gatta
Rich Tucker