Becoming an entrepreneur can be an enticing lifestyle that gives you control over your schedule and allows you the freedom to be a dream chaser. This issue of the Flash is dedicated to those who plan to spend their days globetrotting, and seek to take their startup continent-hopping from Europe’s thriving startup scene to the U.S.
Successful European entrepreneurs voice the importance of acting global early-on, and call-to-action the differences between the European and U.S. startup worlds. Here is some key advice for Europe’s startups.
- European startups should not neglect the US market and Silicon Valley due to its overwhelming funding dominance. -Carlos Diaz , General Partner at San Francisco-based Seed Fund program The Refiners
- “Thinking globally also means thinking about where you will scale next, and how you will scale your business. Going global’ requires guidance as well as bravery.” — Professor Vikas Shah, CEO at Swiscot Group and Founder of Thought Economics
• London's startups aim to avoid the mistakes of Silicon Valley (ZD Net)
• How To Be A Successful Digital Nomad ( Forbes)
• 1 Trait the Most Successful Startups Have in Common--It's Got Nothing to Do With Funding (Inc.)
• How women entrepreneurs can get the most out of crowdfunding (MarketWatch)