Founders Workbench knows that entrepreneurs are constantly on the move. That’s why we made sure mobile was central to the development of our entire web platform. By ensuring a dynamic mobile offering, we can better provide the tools founders need to navigate the various legal and organizational challenges faced when it comes to launching a startup.
Given this emphasis on mobile, we’re truly excited to share that the Web Marketing Association has honored FWB with two awards – Best Legal Mobile Application and Best Legal Mobile Website – in the 2015 MobileWebAwards competition.
FWB is proud to help startups and emerging companies with easy-to-access, online business tools. FWB’s recognition for Best Legal Mobile Application flowed from the success of the Capital Calculator, our web/mobile application that allows entrepreneurs to instantly calculate dilution and liquidity under different financing and exit scenarios. Recognition for Best Legal Mobile Website included Capital Calculator, Deal Dictionary – which introduces founders to the often technical legal and financial terms used by venture capitalists and angel investors – as well as Document Driver, our comprehensive and free online legal document generation solution for establishing your startup as a Delaware corporation or Limited Liability companies (LLCs).
We’re thrilled to receive this recognition and we will continue to strive to be the best and most trusted online resource for entrepreneurs.