Our work at Founders Workbench positions us to see up-close how technology has ushered in a new wave of innovation that promises to expand market reach and open the door for new business opportunities.
Recognizing that the financial services industry is profoundly impacted by innovation and disruptive technology, Goodwin Procter last year expanded our FinTech Practice, formally appointing a leadership team to this cross-disciplinary group and consolidating a range of financial services and tech expertise under a single platform.
Our commitment to providing comprehensive legal solutions to this dynamic industry is why Goodwin Procter has joined forces with financial services cloud provider Tradier to give entrepreneurs an overview of potential pitfalls in the FinTech space and ways to avoid them.
Please join us on October 13 for an “Investor & Trader Tools FinTech Meetup,” where we will discuss FinTech startups and best practices. Co-hosted by Goodwin Procter and held at the firm’s NYC offices, the evening features a presentation on "Top FinTech Startup Pitfalls And How to Avoid Them" by Goodwin Procter partners Bob Bishop and Derek Steingarten. Attendees will also have the chance to view startup demos and network with a diverse group of traders, startups, investors and FinTechies.
For more information, please visit: http://www.meetup.com/Investor-and-Trader-Tools/events/225679606/.
We hope to see you there!
Event Info
October 13, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Goodwin Procter
620 8th Avenue
New York City, NY 10018