This week’s articles discuss new start-ups in Silicon Valley, the roles significant others play in the lives of entrepreneurs, finding happiness as an entrepreneur, and tips on how start-ups can build a company culture.
What’s Coming Out of Silicon Valley – Randall Stross, The New York Times
An inside look at the young start-ups developing in Silicon Valley during the 15th semiannual Demo Day, where 63 companies made a formal public presentation to investors.
The Entrepreneurial Spouse: The Vital Role Of The Significant Other – David K. Williams, Forbes
A profile of several individuals and the roles they’ve played in their spouses’ entrepreneurial success.
Entrepreneurial Happiness — No, Seriously, It’s Possible – Steli Efti, Venture Beat
A founder talks about finding balance and happiness all while successfully running his business.
Building a Great Start-Up Culture – Chris Morris, CNBC
Some tips on how to develop your company’s culture.
This post was authored by Founders Workbench.