According to the latest MoneyTree second quarter 2011 press release prepared by the National Venture Capital Association, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Thomson Reuters, venture capital activity has increased with a total of $7.5 billion invested in 966 new companies nationwide during the second quarter ending June 30.
A recent article in Xconomy highlights the biggest VC investments of the quarter. Goodwin Procter represented investors in the two biggest deals, a $165 million investment in Boston-based CSN Stores and a $138 million investment in New York-based Gilt Groupe.
Venture capital investments in Boston companies are soaring as new capital continues to pour in. Goodwin Procter has played a central role in these deals, representing investors in five of the top ten biggest Boston deals, including CSN Stores (mentioned above), General Compression, Blueprint Medicines, Zafgen, and Lotus Tissue Repair.
This post on Venture Capital was authored by Founders Workbench.
July 24, 2011
Founders Workbench